Tuesday, July 31, 2012

[KMDG-L] ISKO UK afternoon event on Sept 4th "The shape of knowledge"

Tuesday 4th September (14.00-18.00)

London College of Communication, Elephant and Castle, SE1 6SB

In this ISKO UK meeting, the focus will be on the ways in which knowledge and information can be analyzed and presented, for example to bring out underlying patterns or to emphasize specific aspects of the information. The meeting will also examine some of the organizing principles behind the presentation and different approaches to visualizing data, information and (by extension) knowledge. This event should appeal not only to those whose main business is the organization of knowledge, and who wish to disseminate this knowledge as effectively as possible, but also to designers, whose main concern is how design can be used to present knowledge and information in the most attractive and appealing way.

You will find the programme and other details of the event, and can register via the ISKO UK site at http://www.iskouk.org/events/shape_of_knowledge_Sep2012.htm. The event is free to ISKO members and to full-time students. The fee for non-members is just £40. All fees must be paid in advance - there is no provision for payment on arrival. Registration opens at 1.30 and we shall start promptly at 2 p.m. Please pass this invitation on to any colleagues who may be interested.  We hope to see you there.

The programme includes these leading speakers: 

  • Martin Dodge, Senior Lecturer in Human Geography in the School of Environment and Development, at the University of Manchester and one of the originators of the Atlas of Cyberspaces. Martin will talk about the Atlas and also about code/space, new conceptual tools for understanding the relationship between software, technology, space and everyday activities

  • Lisa Evans, writer, researcher and programmer at the Guardian working closely with the Guardian Datablog and Guardian Graphics teams. She will be joining the Open Knowledge Foundation in mid October this year. Lisa will talk about open data journalism at the Guardian, different interpretations of openness and what the Guardian team is are doing to involve their audience and allow people to replicate and verify what they do.

  • Marianne Lykke, Professor in the Department of Communication and Psychology at the University of Aalborg, Denmark. Marianne will talk about Touch technologies as tools for analysis and structuring of concepts.

  • Conrad Taylor, who has been involved practically in Information Design, cartography and computer graphics for 25+ years. He currently coordinates a discussion list on knowledge, information and data management (KIDMM). Conrad will talk about A grammar for graphics? Visual methods for revealing the shape and structure of knowledge and data. Many of the ideas in this presentation will draw on the work of Yuri Engelhardt. (Conrad formerly assisted Yuri and Karel van der Waarde in running the InfoDesign-Cafe list.)

ISKO is a not-for-profit scientific/professional association with the objective of promoting research and communication in the domain of knowledge organization, within the broad field of information science and related disciplines. Founded in 2007, our UK Chapter has been attracting lively and steadily growing audiences to its afternoon meeting series (see slides and recordings at http://www.iskouk.org/events.htm) as well as its very successful second biennial conference (http://www.iskouk.org/conf2011/index.htm) last year.

Monday, July 30, 2012

[KMDG-L] IFLA Knowledge Management Section, Helsinki Update - a communication from the chair

Dear IFLA KM Supporters:


I’d like to provide you with an update of IFLA KM activities at the upcoming Helsinki conference. I look forward to welcoming some of you soon in Helsinki! As the conference is rapidly approaching, I want to use this opportunity to communicate with you on some highlights of this year’s programs, as well as bringing your attention to some of the section’s business issues.


This KM SC has planned a set of programs under the IFLA’s main theme “Libraries Now! - Inspiring, Surprising, Empowering.” This year, the KM section is proud to present a satellite meeting on Friday, August 10 at Goethe-Institut Helsinki. Thanks to the generous support of Ex Libris, we are providing free admission and lunch when you register at www.arpalazio.net/ifla2012/.


The presentations on Knowledge Management Theory in Action at the satellite meeting should be thought-provoking and educational. I am especially looking forward to the two keynote speakers. For information of keynote speakers and an interview with one keynote speaker, Anja Flicker of Germany, please check out our latest newsletter at http://www.ifla.org/files/km/newsletters/KM14_Juni2012_big.pdf.


At the main conference, the KM section will continue to present interesting speakers. Librarians from around the world will discuss the potential applications of knowledge management in public libraries. This open session is Tuesday afternoon at 13:45 in Session Room 4.  For information about the speakers, please check out the newsletter and IFLA programme link for more details. http://conference.ifla.org/ifla78/session-141


Like last year, the KM Section Standing Committee will meet twice at Helsinki. The committee will meet first at 15.15 - 17.45 h Saturday, August 11 in Room 208 and second at 8.00 - 9.30 h Tuesday, August 14 in Room 203.


As part of IFLA policy and expectation on committee service, we expect all Standing Committee members to join the meetings, and we are looking forward to your ideas and commitments. Guests are very welcome in the SC meetings and asked to participate in the discussions.


Finally, we are planning a go-dutch dinner Monday, August 13 at Kappeli, a nice local restaurant. We hope that many of you will be able to join. Please email Xuemao Wang (x.wang@emory.edu) by Saturday, August 11 to RSVP for a reservation. Here is the link of the restaurant: www.kappeli.fi/index.php?id=frontpage.


IFLA KM is well represented in the social networking world. We also invite you to find more information about our section online at www.ifla.org/km, on Twitter at #IFLA KM, and on Facebook or LinkedIn under “IFLA KM: The Voice of Global KM.”


I look forward to your continued support to IFLA KM Section. To learn more about IFLA KM, please visit our website at:




Best wishes


Xuemao Wang

Chair of IFLA KM Section





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Thursday, July 26, 2012

[KMDG-L] 3rd call for papers & announcement of keynote speakers Ragnar Audunson & Phil Bradley

January 23-25, 2013
From Collections to Connections: Turning Libraries "Inside-Out"
(3rd call for papers)

The "21st BOB
CATSSS Conference", will take place in Ankara, Turkey, from 23-25 January 2013.

As it is known BOBCATSSS is an annual conference series that is traditionally organized by students from European universities. At its 21st anniversary in January 2013, BOBCATSSS is organized by students from two universities, being Department of Information Management of Hacettepe University, Turkey and The Royal School of Library and Information Science, Denmark.

From Collections to Connections: Turning Libraries "Inside-out" being the main theme, BOBCATSSS 2013 aims to bring together students, professors and specialists in the field of library and information science. Today, the world of libraries and librarians is, more than ever, set for change. The focus is shifting towards creating connections between people and developing online resources, rather than static collections focused on th e physical book. Part of information specialist's role is to facilitate and help the users navigate through this jungle, and in due course find our own place in this ever changing world: How will the role of the librarians develop in the future? What will happen with the classic libraries and librarians in the future? Will the physical library disappear and only exist in the digital world? In the light of these challenges, BOBCATSSS 2013 will be a meeting place between the professionals of tomorrow, and researchers and teachers of today.


Announcing: Ragnur Audunson & Phil Bradley as keynote speakers on BOBCATSSS 2013

We are happy to announce, that our lineup of keynote speakers has been completed, with the addition of Ragnar Audunson and Phil Bradley. Professor Audunson from Oslo University College is a leading researcher in public libraries, and is currently directing a research project on the potential of public libraries, in promoting social cohesion and integration in multicultural and digital societies. The 'UK Search Guru' Phil Bradley, has worked in the area of electronic publications for over 20 years. He teaches many varied courses on aspects of the Internet, both publically available and in-company. He also writes and designs web pages and is an SEO (Search Engine Optimiser).

Conference Theme(s)
Main topics of the conference include (but are not limited to) the following:

Serving Society in a Digital Age
The world is changing faster than we know it and everybody has a say in the matter. People are creating and sharing online in a way never experienced before. They tweet, make Facebook updates and they want to make an impression. How can we be sure that both new and old is preserved; what is important to keep and what are the demands of the digital population?

Information Professionals as Change-Agents
Challenges demand creative thinking, entrepreneurship and innovation. One of the digital challenges for the users is to be able to navigate through the digital jungle of information. A part of being information professional is to help people become e-literate. How do we meet the cha llenges in our profession and how can we influence the agenda?

Designing New Library Spaces
Today it's not enough for a library to be able to store collections. The space itself has to be engaging and inspiring to facilitate the users need for information, experiences and cultural inspiration. A plethora of libraries being built today are not only new icons but are also trying to reach the above mentioned goals in new ways. How can we the information professionals encourage this trend?

Mobile Information Services
We live in a world of hand held devices, and information has to be instantly accessible. More and more information is being digitized, and the volume alone is staggering. One of the tasks of the information professional is to create accessible designs, not compromising the content. Ideas can come from unlikely sources however. Are we capable of listening outside our own ranks?

Developing New Competencies
Lifelong learning is a term easy to use, but hard to master. Which competencies do we expect the users to need, and what can they expect from us? Are we, as information specialists, sufficiently prepared to guide them? Are we able to combine the need-to-have with the nice-to-have skills the patrons want to a satisfying degree and how do we keep improving? 

Submission of Papers
In addition to papers, short papers (pecha-kucha), posters and workshops on conference topics and general papers on information management are also welcome. Student papers and posters are very welcome. Please use the extended format guide available on the Symposium web site to prepare your contributions and proposals, and send them to us using the Conference Management Software (conftool) at

Requirements for Abstracts
An extended abstract is required. The abstract has to be in Word format (i.e. doc or docx). There should be an author description (first name, surname, department, degree, university, city, country, e-mail), a title, three to six keywords. It should only contain plain text (no figures and no tables), and the extended abstract should be between 500-700 words in Times New Roman, font size 10. Also, please include your references and your citations using APA style. Please see detailed information on

Important Dates
First call: March 15th 2012
Second call: May 15th 2012
Third call: July 24th 2012

Deadline for abstracts: September 24th 2012
Author's notification: October 24th 2012
Final paper submi ssion: November 24th 2012

Conference: January 23rd – 25th 2013

With kind regards,
The Bobcatsss 2013 student team and 


Yaşar Tonta
Serap Kurbanoğlu
Hacettepe University
Department of Information Management
06800 Beytepe, Ankara, Turkey
Tel: +90312 297 80 00
Fax: +90312 299 20 14

Jack Andersen
Nanna Kann-Christensen
Royal School of Library and Information Science
Birketinget 6
DK-2300 Copenhagen S
T +45 32 58 60 66
D +45 32 34 13 04